Hleð Viðburðir
 Á þessum vortónleikum snýr söngkonan Dev Suroop aftur í rætur sínar í jasstónlist, með einlægri kvöldstund helgaðri jassstandördum og dægurtónlist. Dev Suroop hefur gefið út 12 plötur á ferli sínum sem hófst í Seattle, Washington og hefur ferðast um heiminn sem kennari og flytjandi. Jakob Gunnarsson leikur með á píanó, en hann er 25 ára gamall tónlistarmaður sem nemur jasstónlist í FÍH hjá Eyþóri Gunnarssyni og Agnari Má Magnússyni og kemur reglulega fram í Reykjavík.

Dev Jazz

In this Spring concert, vocalist Dev Suroop returns to her roots in jazz with an intimate evening of standards and contemporary music, accompanied by Icelandic pianist Jakob Gunnarsson.

Dev Suroop is a jazz and classically trained vocalist and recording artist. She began her musical studies at a young age in Seattle, Washington, USA and has since traveled the world teaching and performing various vocal genres including renaissance, madrigal, folk, chant and classical Indian music. Dev Suroop has 12 albums. She currently lives near Santa Fe, New Mexico, but calls Iceland her second home.

Jakob is a 25 year old Icelandic pianist, producer and educator. He started playing the piano at the age of seven, studying classical music at Nýi tónlistarskólinn in Reykjavík. He has since developed a passion for multiple styles of music, including jazz, rock, hip hop, RnB and many others. He now studies jazz at the Musician’s Union Conservatory (FÍH) with Eyþór Gunnarsson and Agnar Már Magnússon. He spent the summer of 2016 in New York City studying with Jeremy Manasia and producing hip hop with various artists in and around the city. He performs regularly across the Reykjavík music scene.