Historical exhibit – documentary

In a short documentary about Hannes Hafstein and the formative years of Reykjavík  one can learn about how much the nation owes to the early work of Hannes Hafstein and his colleagues and how far the nation has come in more than a hundred years. The documentary is available for viewing in Hannesarholt.

In the historical exhibition on the upper floors of Hannesarholt, about women as influential factors in Hannes’s life and work, it becomes clear how progress became a reality through cooperation. Our own history gives us a sense of the challenge which lies before other nations, who are facing similar challenges Icelanders faced in over a century ago.

Cooperation along the way

Hannesarholt aims to be a center of knowledge and consultation about the SDGs. We strive to gather expert and creative people who can share their knowledge and participate in solution-oriented collaboration and share accessible actions in the spirit of the SDGs. At the same time, a well of knowledge could be built up in Hannesarholt that could be shared far and wide, both with rural areas and city dwellers. Hannesarholt as a Home of the SDGs would be the place people visit when they want to learn about the SDGs, and begin their sustainability journey.

Innovation and Sustainability

Hannesarholt has already started collaborating with different parties in society on innovation and sustainability projects that could be easily implemented in homes.

Changing anxiety into action

Parents and children who are overwhelmed with worries about the state of the world could contact Hannesarholt and come for a  visit and discuss their concerns. A Hannesarholt employee could lead the discussion into solutions and opportunities for influence, with the goal of transforming concerns and anxiety into participation and action.


Interested families could sign up for a project at Hannesarholt, where we would work together on finding ways to work towards the SDGs at home. The families would receive education and guidance in this project.

Mynd (Axel Kristinsson)