The Home of the SDGs in Hannesarholt
What is the Home of the SDGs?
The idea originated from some of our visitors, who said that a Home of the SDGs was needed and that Hannesarholt would be a perfect candidate. The goal of the Home of the SDGs is to introduce the SDGs to as many people as possible, educate them about the SDGs and empower people to be proactive in their communities and beyond.
Whose responsibility is it anyway?
Most emphasis has been on companies, schools and government institutions to adopt and implement sustainability practices, which leaves out a large portion of society that has had little to no exposure to the SDGs and sustainability. Rules and regulations are instated from the government which are supposed to make daily life more sustainable.
We can do it!
We can take responsibility and be proud to a part of the solution and work towards the betterment of the world by starting with our local communities.

How does Iceland compare?
When compared to other countries on how well they are implementing change according to the SDGs, Iceland is doing ok. We are not at the top of the list with the other Nordic countries and are not at the bottom of the OECD list. There is plenty yet to do, and much that we can do as individuals.
Small country – giant footprint
Despite getting all of our electricity from green sources, each Icelander creates a very big ecological footprint. Iceland’s climate and geographical isolation has an effect on people’s buying patterns, however those factors do not sufficiently explain this large ecological footprint. We believe that a paradigm shift is needed do that sustainability and conscious consumption will become a part of our everyday life.

(Mynd: Helgi Halldórsson)
Diminishing open-mindedness?
Icelandic society is considered to be open and tolerant, but many people have become aware of setbacks. Icelandic society has become more diverse in the recent years and at the same time voices that speak against inclusion of minority groups have become louder and more prominent. Despite our openness and tolerance, we should not underestimate nor neglect the SDGs that work towards peace and justice, tolerance and diversity.
Achieving one goal has a positive effect on the others!
The SDGs are an inseparable package of goals and are devised in such a way that progress in one goal positively effects the others. It is therefore not necessary to focus on working towards all goals all at once. The first step is to familiarize oneself with the SDGs and chose an action to undertake, adding more as you go along. It is normal when we are changing our habits that we tend to fall back on to old familiar habits. The only remedy is to keep trying to improve our habits. The overall goal is to adopt a mindset of sustainability and become conscious of our effects on our environment and community.

(Mynd: Sigrg)

Ants move mountains – so can we!
The Home of the SDGs is a place where you can become inspired to take action. Here you can learn about the SDGs at your own pace and on your own terms. The Home of the SDGs will host events where experts and lay-people will share their experiences and knowledge.

Why Hannesarholt?
Whether you are visiting Hannesarholt to go to a concert, conference, lecture, meeting, art vernissage, a party, for lunch or a cup of coffee, our guests agree that visiting Hannesarholt is like visiting a home. A lot of work has been done to preserve the homely atmosphere of Grundarstígur 10. This feeling of a home makes Hannesarholt the perfect venue to learn about how to incorporate the SDGs into your daily life.
Sustainability has been one of guiding lights of Hannesarholt’s day-to-day operations. A detailed report about how Hannesarholt has incorporated the SDGs into our operations
Hannesarholt’s focus is to preserve the history and commemorate the achievements of Iceland’s period of autonomy (1904-1918) and the legacy of Hannes Hafstein, encourage constructive discussions about Icelandic society, increase the understanding of the effects of the past on contemporary life and the future, and create a safe space for open conversation.