Gabriel Gold: White Raven Dreaming
23. maí @ 20:00 - 21:30
Gabriel Gold heldur upp á útgáfu nýju plötu sinnar White Raven Dreaming í Hannesarholti. Platan var tekinn upp í Sundlauginni og Birgir Jón Birgisson stýrði upptökum.
Gabriel er tónskáld sem deilir tíma sínum milli Reykjavíkur og San Francisco.
Verk hans eru oft sérsamin fyrir ákveðin hljómburð heilagrar rýma. Tónlist hans blandar klassískri tónlist við nútíma píanó tónlist, handpönnu og söng án orða.
Hér má finna upptöku af Gabriel að flytja nýtt lag:
Fleiri tóndæmi og ítarlegri ferilskrá má finna hér:
Athugið að drynar opna 19:30 og tónleikar byrja kl. 20:00
Here’s the English event description:
This concert at Hannesarholt is in celebration of the release of Gabriel Gold’s upcoming album, “White Raven Dreaming”, which was recorded in Sundlaugin Studio and produced by Birgir “Biggi” Jón Birgisson (Sigur Ros, Bjork, The Album Leaf).
Gabriel Gold is a San Francisco, CA and Reykjavik, Iceland based music composer.
Gold’s musical works, often site-specific to acoustically resonant and “sacred spaces“, merge the worlds of contemporary piano composition with traditions of sacred music, handpan and wordless singing.
A recording of Gabriel performing “The Calling”, from his new album: https://vimeo.com/658164012
More examples of Gabriel Gold’s music, as well as a more in-depth bio, can be found here: www.gabrielgoldmusic.com
Event Schedule:
- Doors open at 19:30
- Concert at 20:00