„Soul’d out“ – Harold Burr
24/02/2017 @ 20:00
| kr.3000Í tilefni af því að febrúarmánuður er jafnan tileinkaður sögu blökkumanna í Bandaríkjunum býður Harold E.Burr til kvöldstundar þar sem hann fer yfir sögu sálartónlistar í tali og tónum. Harold hefur búið á Íslandi undanfarin ár, en var á yngri árum meðlimur í hljómsveitinni Platters.
Meðal ómissandi atriða í slíkri sögu er framlag Marvins Gaye, „Heard it Through the Grapevine“, „Try a Little Tenderness,“ sem Otis Redding flutti svo eftirminnilega og fleiri perlur Bandarískrar sálartólistar. Harold Burr mun ferðast með gesti um fortíð og nútíð í gegnum tónlistina, og lofar því að laða fram bæði hlátur og grátur, en umfram allt tilfinningar, þar sem flutningurinn er fullur af sál. Kvöldstundin höfðar til bæði ungra og aldraðra, kvenna og karla.
On February 20th, at 20:00 in celebration of Black History Month Harold Burr, in association with Hannesarholt, will present SOUL´D OUT ! a soul music retrospective. Harold Burr, formerly of the Platters, will sing the songs of legends. Soul music legends.
This is the story of soul music told in song. It is loosely based on the industry´s most successful Black artists, their recordings and performances. You will unmistakably hear the sound of Marvin Gaye´s Heard It Through The Grapevine“, sing along with Otis Redding´s „Try a Little Tenderness“ and much more on this special evening. It is important to note that this show will be about soul music´s history, and we will journey into the past as well as the present, via the music, you will laugh and you will cry but most of all you will feel, because the singing is truly SOULFUL !
This show is appealing for both young and old, male and female for they have all encountered and more than likely enjoyed the very spirit of Soul Music .