Hleð Viðburðir

English below//

Viktor Orri Árnason fiðlu- og víóluleikari og Rubin Kodheli, sellóleikari, halda tónleika í Hannesarholti föstudaginn 23.mars kl.20 sem nefnast SOUND OF BEING.

„Komdu á dýptina með okkur á tónleika með yfirskriftinni ‘The Sound of Being’ þar sem ósýnilegar víddir hljóðfæranna okkar taka sviðsljósið. Þessi viðburður er ekki bara tónlistarflutningur; hann er boð um að ferðast um mörk tíma og rýmis.” Rubin Kodheli

Þegar þú stígur inní hljóðríki okkar skaltu búa þig undir ferðalag um hljóðheima sem blanda hinu forna við víddir framtíðar, hinu jarðræna við hið himneska. “ ‘The Sound of Being’ afhjúpar kjarna tónlistarinnar.“ Viktor Orri Árnason

Á tónleikunum blanda Viktor og Rubin hefðbundnum hljóðfærum og nútímatækni til að kanna möguleika og dýpt hljóðfæranna, setja hljóðfærin í nýtt samhengi. Leitast verður við að brúa bilið milli hins áþreifanlega og hinu óáþreifanlega.

Slástu í för með okkur í ‘The Sound of Being’ þar sem könnuð verða mörk þessara strengjahljóðfæra og áhrif þeirra á líf okkar.

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Viktor Orri Árnason and Rubin Kodheli give a concert in Hannesarholt on Friday March 23rd at 8 pm, which they call SOUND OF BEING.

“Dive into the heart of ‘The Sound of Being’ where the unseen dimensions of music are brought to life through a elevating concert experience. This event is not merely a performance; it’s an invitation to traverse the boundaries of time and space, exploring the eternal connection between nature, technology, and the human spirit.” – Viktor Orri Árnason

“As you step into our auditory realm, prepare to journey through soundscapes that blend the ancient with the futuristic, the earthly with the ethereal. ‘The Sound of Being’ unveils the essence of music, presenting it not as mere notes and rhythms, but as the universal language, capable of expressing the inexpressible.” – Rubin Kodheli

Throughout the evening, Viktor and Rubin will use a blend of traditional instruments and modern technology to showcase the versatility and depth of music. With original compositions inspired by nature and future visions, “The Sound of Being” aims to demonstrate the transformative power, and the depth of sound.

The concert will feature segments dedicated to the intrigue of the unseen dimensions of sound, and the potential of music to convey ideas that can’t be vocally articulated.

This event is more than a concert; it’s an auditorial journey into the heart of music. Through a combination of live performances, brief talks, and visual elements, “The Sound of Being” seeks to deepen your understanding of music’s role in human culture, its evolutionary significance, and its capacity to bridge the gap between the tangible and the intangible.

Join us for “The Sound of Being” and experience a night of discovery, where every note played is a step closer to appreciating the essence of music and its impact on our lives and the world around us.


20:00 - 21:00
Viðburður Category:


Grundarstígur 10
Reykjavík ,
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