Hleð Viðburðir

English below //

ADHD kemur fram í Hannesarholti sunnudaginn 7.apríl kl.16, spilar og glensar í Hljóðbergi. Sveitin er nýkomin heim úr hljómleikareisu um Evrópu og því í fanta-spilaformi. Sveitin vinnur einnig hörðum höndum að því að klára sína næstu hljóðversplötu sem tekin var upp í október síðastlðnum; það eru töluverðar líkur á því að glæný lög verði spiluð! En líkt og áður kom fram: Hljómsveitin ADHD leikur tónleika í Hannesarholti laugardagskvöldið 6. apríl næstkomandi. Vonumst til að sjá ykkur sem flest! Miðaverð er 5.900 kr og tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 20:00. Húsið opnar 19:30 og gengið er inn í Hljóðberg í Hannesarholti af Skálholtsstíg.

English //

The band ADHD performs in Hannesarholt, Grundarstígur 10, Saturday April 6th 2024, at eight pm, plays music and makes fun.

There are bands where every album is a step into the unknown. There are others whose development is a reliable and consistent expansion of their terrain. The latter applies to the Icelandic musicians’ collective ADHD. It is almost impossible to describe their concerts along traditional musical parameters. A performance by these four Vikings is always an all-encompassing ritual, a magic potion of incantation dance and a phenomenon of nature. When keyboarder Tómas Jónsson, guitarist and bass player Ómar Guðjónsson, saxophonist Óskar Guðjónsson, and drummer Magnús T. Eliassen are on stage, the ordinary Middle European mortal will get at least a vague sense of how the island people in the very north of Europe have been able to survive the long and icy winters through the centuries. – They simply produce their energy out of themselves.

This unbridled stream of human vibration, which overrides all perimeters of genre and fascinates jazz fans as much as rock fans and ravers, follows a most ancient human desire, whose non-verbal impulse is older than any language and yet is entirely rooted in the present. The expanse of the cosmos and the infinity of time culminate in this happening of total music, as well as a profound mysticism of free imagination and an unflagging confrontation with contemporary issues. The Gesamtkunstwerk ADHD cannot be quite captured in words. This sublime timelessness in the here and now can only be experienced.

The house is opened at 7.30 pm and tickets are sold at tix.is for IKR 4.900.


9. apríl
16:00 - 17:00
Viðburður Category:


Grundarstígur 10
Reykjavík ,
+ Google Map