Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel
15. júní @ 20:00 - 21:30
Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel mæta í Hannesarholt með einstaka tónleika.
Fiðluleikarinn Judith Ingolfsson og píanóleikarinn Vladimir Stoupel skipa Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel. Þau hafa vakið alþjóðlega athygli fyrir sannfærandi túlkanir, nýstárlegt tónverkaval og listræna tjáningu. Judith og Vladimir skapa tónleikaupplifanir sem endurspegla reynslu þeirra sem lofaðir einleikarar og gefa til kynna djúpstæðan skilning á tónlistinni og tilfinnilegalegt innsæi. Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel hafa spilað í virtum tónleikasölum um allan heim, til að mynda í Konzerthaus Berlin, tónleikahátíðinni í Slésvík og Holtsetalandi, Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte og „Voix Etouffées“ hátíðinni í París. Í Bandaríkum Norður Ameríku hafa þau komið fram í National Gallery of Art í Washington D.C., Bargemusic í New York, and Music in Corrales in New Mexico ofl. Verkefni þeirra, „Concert-Centenaire“ sem skoðar franska tónlist frá Belle Epoque tímabilinu til millistríðsáranna, hefur fengið lofsamlega dóma meðal annars tilnefningu til International Classic Music Awards. Þau hafa tekið upp þó nokkrar plötur til dæmis, En Hommage: Simon Laks, Concert-Centenaire (þriggja geisladiskasafn með tónlist eftir Fauré, Magnard, Stephan og Vierne), Blues, Blanc, Rouge (sónötur eftir Ravel, Poulenc og Ferroud). Nýjasta útgáfa þeirra er upptaka af fiðlu og lágfiðlu sónötum eftir Rebecca Clarke og fiðlu sónötur eftir Rathaus, Tiessen og Arma. Judith og Vladimir eru einnig listrænir stjórnendur „Aigues-Vives en Musiques“ tónlistarhátíðarinnar í Frakklandi og „Last Rose of Summer“ hátíðarinnar í Berlín. Þau hafa bæði verið sæmd heiðursorðu Frakklands, Chevalier de l´Ordre des Arts et des Lettres fyrir framlag þeirra til tónlistar. Tæknileg snilligáfa, tilfinnilegt innsæi og sameiginleg ástríða fyrir frásögn í gegnum tónlist heillar áhorfendur um allan heim.
The Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel, formed by violinist Judith Ingolfsson and pianist Vladimir Stoupel, has earned international recognition for its compelling interpretations, innovative programming, and profound artistry. Both acclaimed soloists, Ingolfsson and Stoupel bring a wealth of experience to their partnership, creating performances that resonate with deep musical insight and emotional power. Duo Ingolfsson-Stoupel has performed at prestigious venues and festivals around the globe, including the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte, and the “Voix Etouffées” Festival in Paris. Their U.S. appearances have included engagements at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Bargemusic in New York, and Music in Corrales in New Mexico, among others. The duo’s groundbreaking projects include “Concert-Centenaire,” which explores French music from the Belle Époque through the aftermath of World War I and has been lauded for its scholarly and artistic depth. Their recording projects have received widespread critical acclaim, including nominations for the International Classical Music Awards. Highlights of their discography include En Hommage: Simon Laks, Concert-Centenaire (a three-CD set featuring works by Fauré, Magnard, Stephan, and Vierne), and Blues, Blanc, Rouge (with sonatas by Ravel, Poulenc, and Ferroud). Their most recent releases feature the violin and viola sonatas of Rebecca Clarke, and violin sonatas by Rathaus, Tiessen, and Arma.
In addition to their performance and recording activities, Ingolfsson and Stoupel are dedicated educators and curators. They serve as artistic directors of the “Aigues-Vives en Musiques” festival in France and “The Last Rose of Summer” festival in Berlin. Both artists have been recognized with France’s prestigious title Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres for their contributions to cultural heritage. Their dynamic partnership continues to captivate audiences worldwide, combining technical brilliance, emotional depth, and a shared passion for storytelling through music.
About our Program:
Our journey begins with Simon Laks’s Trois Pièces de concert, a work we feel privileged to bring to the stage. Judith reconstructed this piece for violin and piano, uncovering a lost gem that reflects the vibrant artistic world of interwar Paris. Laks’s ability to merge tradition with innovation and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity is deeply moving.
Ravel’s music is, of course, central to this program. His Sonata for Violin and Piano has been a cornerstone of our repertoire for years, and we love sharing its incredible textures, jazz-inspired rhythms, and heartfelt lyricism. To close, we’ll bring you Ravel’s Tzigane, a fiery and virtuosic showpiece that’s as exhilarating to perform as it is to hear.
The luminous Louange à l’Éternité de Jésus from Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time is another special work for us. It’s a piece that transcends time and place, reminding us of music’s ability to provide solace and hope, even in the darkest circumstances.
In the second half, we return to Beethoven’s Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 10, Op. 96, his final violin sonata. Its delicate balance of lyricism and virtuosity feels like a perfect bridge between Beethoven’s era and the world of Ravel and his contemporaries.
This program is more than just a concert for us. It’s a celebration of resilience, artistry, and the shared stories that connect us all. We would love for you to join us for this meaningful journey through some of our favorite works.
Program :
Simon Laks (1901-1983)
Trois Pièces de concert (1933)
(Reconstructed by Judith Ingolfsson, 2008)
1. Prélude varié 2. Romance. 3. Mouvement perpétuel
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
Louange à l’Éternité de Jésus
(from the Quartet for the End of Time, 1941)
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Sonata for Violin et Piano (1927)
1. Allegretto. 2. Blues. Moderato. 3. Perpetuum mobile
– Intermission –
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Sonata for Violin et Piano No. 10, Op. 96
1. Allegro moderato. 2. Adagio espressivo. 3. Scherzo. Allegro. 4. Poco Allegretto
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Tzigane for Violin et Piano (1924)
Judith Ingolfsson, Violin
Vladimir Stoupel, Piano