Hleð Viðburðir

Reg & Andreas

Reg Downey og Andreas Flensted-Jensen mynda dúettinn Reg & Andreas, sem heldur tónleika í Hannesarholti fimmtudagskvöldið 23.maí kl.20.

Kanadíski söngvarinn Reg Downey með stóru, mjúku röddina og danski píanistinn og söngvarinn Andreas Flensted-Jensen hafa unnið og ferðast saman síðastliðin þrjú ár. Þeir hafa náð upp stemningu og heillað áhorfendur um heimsbyggðina, m.a. í Noregi, Færeyjum, Kanada, Englandi og Danmörku með smitandi húmor og lífsþorsta. Hér að neðan eru nokkur tóndæmi frá tónleikum þeirra.

Veitingastaðurinn í Hannesarholti framreiðir kvöldverð á undan tónleikunum. Borðapantanir í síma 511-1905 og á hannesarholt@hannesarholt.is

Read more on www.regandreas.com

Music videos:

You Raise Me Up

A Son Is Given

Link for streaming:

Christmas – A Son Is Given

Facebook Page:


News Paper article (in Danish):


Reg & Andreas – English

The duo Reg & Andreas consists of Reg Downey and Andreas Flensted-Jensen. They perform concerts in concerts halls, churches and many other venues around the world.

With two voices and piano the audience is drawn into a wonderful atmosphere of good music and spiritual depth. They play beautiful songs with fresh interpretations of their own. Both, songs they have written, for example “Another Chance To Fly” which could be labeled “feel-good pop”, as well as well-known songs like “You Raise Me Up” and other uplifting songs.

The Canadian singer Reg Downey with a big soft voice and the Danish pianist and singer Andreas Flensted-Jensen have been working together and touring for the past three years. They form a heartwarming duo that capture audiences at their numerous concerts in places like, Norway, Faroe Islands, Canada, England and Denmark. With their contagious humor and their zest for life the audience is always deeply inspired.

Read more on www.regandreas.com

Hannesarholt restaurant is open until the concert. To book a table call 511-1904 or email hannesarholt@hannesarholt.is


20:00 - 21:00
Viðburður Category:


Grundarstígur 10
Reykjavík, 101 Iceland
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