Hleð Viðburðir

Píanistinn Romain Collin býður hinum rómaða trompetleikara Ara Kárasyni til leiks á öðrum tónleikum sínum í Hannesarholti. Þetta kraftmikla tvíeyki leikur jazzstandarda, frumsamda tónlist og spuna. Takmarkaður sætafjöldi. Miðar aðeins seldir í forsölu. Borðapantanir í kvöldmat á undan í síma 511-1904 eða á hannesarholt@hannesarholt.is

Romain Collin er framsýnt tónskáld, stórkostlegur jazzpíanisti og rísandi stjarna sem skín sannarlega skært í jazzheiminum“ skrifaði Jon Weber hjá National Public Radio í Bandaríkjunum. Collin fæddist í Frakklandi og býr nú New York en hann fluttist upphaflega til Bandaríkjanna til að sækja sér menntun við Berklee College of Music í Boston undir handleiðslu Dave Liebman og Joe Lovano meðal annarra.

Árið 2007 útskrifaðist Romain Collin frá hinum virta skóla „Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz“ þar sem hann hlaut fullan námsstyrk sem píanóleikari í hljómsveit sem var sérstaklega sett saman af Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter og Terence Blanchard. Á þessum árum fór Collin í tónleikaferðalög með Hancock og Shorter víða um heim auk þess sem hann spilaði með mönnum eins og Marcus Miller, Jimmy Heath og Terence Blanchard. Síðan þá hefur hann numið undir handleiðslu Larry Goldings, Russell Ferrante, Ron Carter, Charlie Haden, Mulgrew Miller og Wynton Marsalis.

Romain Collin hefur gefið út fjórar plötur sem allar hafa hlotið einróma lof gagnrýnenda. Samhliða því að þróa sinn eigin sólóferil leiðir hann tríó ásamt munnhörpusnillingnum Gregoire Maret og gítarleikaranum Bill Frisell en plata þeirra Americana kom út árið 2019. Auk þess er hann iðinn við kolann sem meðspilari á tónleikum og upptökum með fólki á borð við Mike Stern, John McLaughlin, Christian McBride, Lauryn Hill og Kurt Rosenwinkel.

Nokkrar umsagnir um Romain Collin:

[A] winning new album… There’s no doubting Mr. Collin’s pianism which is lucid and flowing…. His own compositions…(are) distinguished by dark grandeur, dynamic swells and a chamberesque layering of texture…distinctive.
– Nate Chinen, The New York Times

An extraordinary album…Collin’s style is unique and engaging without obvious influences. 4.5 stars
– Karl Akermann, All About Jazz

An absolute masterpiece…one of those rare albums that just grabs and holds your attention from start to finish- brilliant. 5 stars
– John Adcock, Jazz Journal (UK)

A visionary composer, an extraordinary jazz pianist and a very bright young rising star in the jazz world.
– Jon Weber, NPR

Ari Bragi Kárason er einn eftirsóttasti tónlistarmaður þjóðarinnar um þessar mundir. Hann hefur komið við sögu á sumum af stærstu tónlistarverkefnum sem gerð hafa verið síðustu ár. Eftir útskrift frá tónlistarháskóla í bandaríkjunum vorið 2013 hefur hann verið áberandi í íslensku samfélagi og má þar nefna dæmi eins og að vera dómari í þáttunum Kórar Íslands, tónlistarstjóri stórtónleika Friðrik Dórs, fastameðlimur hljómsveitarinnar Mezzoforte og svo mætti lengi telja.

Árið 2011 vann hann á íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum “Bjartasta Vonin” í öllum flokkum og þótti það merkilegt fyrir þær sakir að jazz trompetleikari skildi hreppa þau verðlaun. Ari Bragi hefur er einnig meðlimur í hljómsveitinni ANNES sem er margverðlaunuð hljómsveit skipuð sumum af stærstu nöfnun í íslensku tónlistarlífi.


Pianist Romain Collin invites renowned Icelandic trumpeter Ari Kárason for his second concert at Hannesarholt. This dynamic duo will perform Jazz standards, original compositions and free improvisations.

Described by NPR as “a visionary composer, an extraordinary jazz pianist and a very bright young rising star in the jazz world”, and touted by the Boston Globe as being “among the leading lights of a new breed of jazz players”, Romain Collin continues to develop “a highly personal and contemporary vision” (A Blog Supreme, NPR), blurring the lines between virtuosic improvisation, sound designing, indie rock and classical music.

Originally born in France and now based in New York City, Collin came to the US to attend Berklee College of Music on a scholarship, where he majored in Music Synthesis and studied performance with the likes of Dave Liebman and Joe Lovano. In 2007, Romain graduated from the prestigious Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz where he held a Full Scholarship. During this time, Collin had the opportunity to tour internationally with Hancock and Shorter and studied with the likes of Larry Goldings, Ron Carter, Charlie Haden and Wynton Marsalis.

While furthering his career as a leader, Collin continues to explore various musical genres as a sideman, performing and/or recording alongside artists such as Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, John McLaughlin, Christian McBride and Lauryn Hill.

Ari Kárason

Icelandic trumpeter and flugelhorn player, Ari Kárason has established himself as an exceptional performer within the jazz scene in Iceland and New York. Born in 1989, Ari Kárason began his music studies at the age of 7. Ari studied trumpet at Seltjarnarnes Music School and later classical and jazz studies at F.Í.H. Music School. In 2013 he graduated with honor from the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York.

Ari quickly became well established in Iceland and in 2011 he was awarded as the most promising artists of the year in all categories at The Icelandic Music Awards. Ari’s musicianship is noteworthy and has been characterised with his personal sound and melodic improvisation where he has proved as a commanding soloist. His tone is centered in the jazz scene where he has established himself within the genres of jazz, big band, pop, rock, electronic and hip-hop music. He recently formed a band with some of Iceland’s most heavyweight improvisers called “ANNES”. They have made two albums with great acclaim from critiques and listeners.

Being in the forefront of the Icelandic music scene for some years now he is working more and more abroad with his own international band called “MELISMETIQ”.

In addition to a flourishing music career is Ari also an award-winning athlete and holds the Icelandic record over the 100m sprint as well as being the team captain for the Icelandic national team in Track and Field.

Tickets are only sold online. Limited seating. Dinner is available before the concert. For reservations call 511-1904 or send mail to hannesarholt@hannesarholt.is


20:00 - 21:30
Viðburður Category:


Grundarstígur 10
Reykjavík, 101 Iceland
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